Teams—What Might Go Right

I hang out a lot with groups of people charged with working together to meet some sort of desired outcome.

I work with groups of community members trying to solve systems issues.

I work with groups of individuals each doing their best to be strong board members.

I come alongside staff teams trying to fit their gifts together to meet the demands of the community.

I work with cross sector partnerships trying to find alignment, agreement, and advancement.

My bottom line: I love bringing disparate people together. Not just to see what might happen like a chemistry experiment gone wrong. No, I want to see what might GO RIGHT when a group becomes a team.

When individuals do their preparation to bring their best selves into the “room” to join with others in meaningful, powerful work together. It doesn’t happen just because we are sitting around one table. It is real work. Team Work.

My current favorite tool to move a group of people into a team is Patrick Lencioni’s Working Genius that identifies how each of us bring a particular genius in the process of getting stuff done.

It preaches value to each person, the importance in honoring others and the path to accomplishing things well. Not only does the work of the team improve but the individual’s sense of who they are and who their fellow team members are grows as well. Check it out. It might just change the way you relate with others.


Succeed at Succession